What is another word for hoodlum?

Pronunciation: [hˈʊdləm] (IPA)

Hoodlum is a term that is often used to describe a troublemaker or a criminal, but it may also be seen as contentious or offensive in some contexts. There are several synonyms for the term that can convey similar meanings without carrying the same negative connotations, such as thug, delinquent, troublemaker, outlaw, rogue, ruffian, hooligan, and vandal. Each of these synonyms has its own nuances, but all describe individuals who engage in disruptive and unlawful behavior. It is important to recognize that these words can also hold stereotypes and should be used with care and consideration.

Synonyms for Hoodlum:

What are the paraphrases for Hoodlum?

Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
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What are the hypernyms for Hoodlum?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Hoodlum

I don't doubt it, you young hoodlum.
"The Short Life"
Francis Donovan
He turned a corner and came to a short, heavy hoodlum backing out of a small liquor store with a knife in throwing position.
"Police Your Planet"
Lester del Rey
An egg-sized rock hit the truck behind him and bounced back, just as he spotted a hoodlum drawing back a sling for a second shot.
"Police Your Planet"
Lester del Rey

Famous quotes with Hoodlum

  • I don't have a trace of moral scruple, when it comes to the state I feel completely free. It's committed such terrible crimes against us all, against our generation, that we have a right to anything. I'm not worried about doing it damage, we'll just be recovering some damages for our entire battered generation. Who taught me how to steal, who made me do it, if not the state? Commandeering, that's the word they used during the war, or expropriating — Versailles called it reclamation. Who taught us how to cheat if not the state — how else would we know what money saved up by three generations could become worthless in a mere two weeks, that families could be swindled out of pastures, houses, and fields that had been theirs for a hundred years? Even if I kill someone, who trained me to do it? Six months on the drill field and then years at the front! We have an excellent case against the state, by God, we'll win in every court. It can never pay off its terrible debt, never give back what it took from us. Once there might have been a reason to have some qualms, back when the state was a good custodian, thrifty, decent, proper. Now that it's behaved like a hoodlum, we have the right to be hoodlums too.
    Stefan Zweig

Related words: thug, robber, street gangs, gangster, vigilante, criminal organization

Related questions:

  • What does it mean to be a thug?
  • What is a thug?
  • What does hoodlum mean?
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