What is another word for second coming?

Pronunciation: [sˈɛkənd kˈʌmɪŋ] (IPA)

The idea of the "second coming" is a central theme in many religions, referring to the return of a divine being to the world. There are many synonyms for this event, depending on the beliefs and traditions of different faiths. In Christianity, the second coming is also referred to as the "Parousia", which means presence or arrival. Other terms used include the "Day of Judgment", the "Apocalypse" (from the Greek for "unveiling" or "revelation"), and the "End Times". In Islam, the equivalent event is known as the "Day of Resurrection" or "Yawm al-Qiyamah", while in Hinduism it is the "Kalki Avatar" or "incarnation of Vishnu".

Synonyms for Second coming:

What are the hypernyms for Second coming?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
  • Other hypernyms:

    anticipated event, divine event, religious event, spiritual event.

Famous quotes with Second coming

  • Nothing is more prominently brought forward in the New Testament than the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    John Nelson Darby
  • Let us pardon him his hope of a vain apocalypse, and of a second coming in great triumph upon the clouds of heaven. Perhaps these were the errors of others rather than his own; and if it be true that he himself shared the general illusion, what matters it, since his dream rendered him strong against death, and sustained him in a struggle to which he might otherwise have been unequal?
    Ernest Renan
  • It is true I have not told you everything. Why should I? No Author ever does....Thus will the traveller return — by and by — to the place of his starting; the legend of the second coming of the Redeemer will be justified, in, at all events, my lesser world; and the tale to Manuel's life will have come again, as it did once beside the pool of Haranton, full circle.
    James Branch Cabell
  • He was the outlier of a new type: the first twentieth-century personality to be famous for being famous. If he toured Africa with 17 pieces of matched luggage, or got hit by a car crossing Fifth Avenue in New York, he wrote about it. His life became a forerunner of reality TV; in today’s terms, he did everything to seek celebrity but release a sex tape. A great question of Churchill biography, therefore, is how this Paris Hilton of British politics became the second coming of King Arthur.
    Winston Churchill
  • “For remember,” he said, “that it is altogether your world now. You and all the rest. We have delivered you from evil, but the evil that is inside men is at the last a matter for men to control. The responsibility and the hope and the promise are in your hands—your hands and the hands of the children of all men on this earth. The future cannot blame the present, just as the present cannot blame the past. The hope is always here, always alive, but only your fierce caring can fan it into a fire to warm the world.” His voice rang out over the mountain, more impassioned than any of them had ever heard a voice before, and they stood quiet as standing stones, listening. “For Drake is no longer in his hammock, children, nor is Arthur somewhere sleeping, and you may not lie idly expecting the second coming of anybody now, because the world is yours and it is up to you. Now especially since man has the strength to destroy this world, it is the responsibility of man to keep it alive, in all its beauty and marvellous joy.”
    Susan Cooper

Related words: second coming of christ, second coming of jesus, second coming bible verse, book of revelation second coming, what is the second coming of christ

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